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. 2021 Jul 26;11(41):25788–25794. doi: 10.1039/d1ra03481b

Raman shifts for the spike (S) protein.

Raman shift (cm−1) Assignation
410.5 Tryptophan or histidine
432 l-Tyr
442.6 Glucose
478.0 N-Acetyl-glucosamine
498.85 S–S bond (α/β)
510.96a Phosphorylated protein and lipids
528.7 S–S bond (α-helix)
545.5 S–S bond (β-sheet)
601.0 Phe
633.8 Trp
651.7 Tyr (α-helix)
678.44 Trp
716.5a Phospholipids
786.04 Histidine
801.1 Trp
849.0 Tyr doublet
875.8 Tryptophan
891.9a Mono and disaccharides C–O–C skeletal modes
920.3a Glucose/glycogen
1033.1 Phe
1050.2a C–N and C–C protein stretching
1081.0 Histidine
1100.2 Trp, galactosamine
1115.6 ν-C–C aliphitic
1128.0a Trp, Phe
1150.2a Glycogen
1220.1 Phe
1250.7a Amide III
1270.7 α-Helix amide III
1305.9 Phe
1320.0a Amide III (α-helix structures)
1356.7 Trp, Cα–H deformation
1383.9 C–H rocking in lipids
1449.8a Fatty acids, C–H stretching of glycoproteins
1463.7 C–H deformation

Indicates the peaks are also present on the Covid spectrum.