Raman shifts for the spike (S) protein.
Raman shift (cm−1) | Assignation |
410.5 | Tryptophan or histidine |
432 | l-Tyr |
442.6 | Glucose |
478.0 | N-Acetyl-glucosamine |
498.85 | S–S bond (α/β) |
510.96a | Phosphorylated protein and lipids |
528.7 | S–S bond (α-helix) |
545.5 | S–S bond (β-sheet) |
601.0 | Phe |
633.8 | Trp |
651.7 | Tyr (α-helix) |
678.44 | Trp |
716.5a | Phospholipids |
786.04 | Histidine |
801.1 | Trp |
849.0 | Tyr doublet |
875.8 | Tryptophan |
891.9a | Mono and disaccharides C–O–C skeletal modes |
920.3a | Glucose/glycogen |
1033.1 | Phe |
1050.2a | C–N and C–C protein stretching |
1081.0 | Histidine |
1100.2 | Trp, galactosamine |
1115.6 | ν-C–C aliphitic |
1128.0a | Trp, Phe |
1150.2a | Glycogen |
1220.1 | Phe |
1250.7a | Amide III |
1270.7 | α-Helix amide III |
1305.9 | Phe |
1320.0a | Amide III (α-helix structures) |
1356.7 | Trp, Cα–H deformation |
1383.9 | C–H rocking in lipids |
1449.8a | Fatty acids, C–H stretching of glycoproteins |
1463.7 | C–H deformation |
Indicates the peaks are also present on the Covid spectrum.