a, UMAP plot showing different clusters of C1-sgControl,
C1-sgEED and C1-sgKMT2D cells. b, Cell trajectory analysis revealed
knocking-out EED and KMT2D specified two distinct EMT subprograms. Colors
represent pseudotime along the learned trajectories, rooted in epithelial
C1-sgControl cells. c, GSEA analysis showing the Hallmark EMT gene
set was enriched in both C1-sgEED-Mes and C1-sgKMT2D-Mes cells compared with
C1-sgControl cells. d, Heatmap of RNA-seq data, showing expression
patterns of genes within the Hallmark EMT gene set in parental C1, C1-sgControl
C1-sgEED-Mes, and C1-sgKMT2D-Mes cells. e, PCA analysis of samples
examined in panel d, using all the genes within the Hallmark EMT gene set. Three
representative genes including PRRX1, CDH2 and
POSTN were shown for their contribution to determine the
PCA plot. f, mRNA levels of EMT-TF genes SNAI1, ZEB1,
PRRX1 and EMT marker genes CDH1, EPCAM, KRT8, CDH2
and POSTN showed different expression patterns in C1-sgControl,
C1-sgEED-Mes and C1-sgKMT2D-Mes cells. n=2. *, p < 0.05; **, p <
0.01; ***, p < 0.001. n.s., not significant. Statistical analysis was
performed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey multiple-comparison analysis.
Data are presented as mean ± SEM. g, Immunoblot of EMT-TFs
SNAIL, ZEB1, PRRX1, EMT marker genes E-cadherin, pan-cytokeratines, N-cadherin
and periostin and EED, EZH2, KMT2D in C1-sgControl, C1-sgEED-Mes, C1-sgEZH2-Mes
and C1-sgKMT2D-Mes cells. C1-sgEED(2)-Mes, C1-sgEZH2(2)-Mes, C1-sgKMT2D(2)-Mes
were generated using alternative guide RNAs targeting different genomic segments
of their corresponding genes. n = 2 biologically independent
experiments. h, GSEA analysis showing C1-sgEED-Mes cells were
enriched for multiple transcriptional signatures associated with stemness,
elevated metastasis and poor prognosis. Numerical source data are provided.