Table 3.
Correlations between measures used in Study 1.
Measure | TOA | TOI | TOE | CQ | PSWQ | MASQ-AA | STAI-T | MASQ-AD | BDI-II | MPS | ERQ-R | ERQ-S |
TOA | (.97) | |||||||||||
TOI | .30** | (.95) | ||||||||||
TOE | .28** | .13** | (.82) | |||||||||
CQ | .05 | .08 | .12* | (.90) | ||||||||
PSWQ | −.44** | −.12* | −.25** | −.02 | (.95) | |||||||
MASQ-AA | −.34** | −.11* | −.23** | −.10* | .32** | (.92) | ||||||
STAI -T | −.40** | −.16** | −.29** | −.22** | .63** | .50** | (.93) | |||||
MASQ-AD | −.28** | −.12* | −.24** | −.28** | .44** | .36** | .81** | (.93) | ||||
BDI-II | −.30** | −.09 | −.31** | −.18** | .48** | .47** | .80** | .73** | (.94) | |||
MPS | −.30** | −.20** | −.08 | −.08 | .40** | .25** | .50** | .39** | .37** | (.91) | ||
ERQ-R | .18** | .08 | .16** | .16** | −.28** | −.17** | −.40** | −.41** | −.33** | −.20** | (.90) | |
ERQ -S | −.13** | −.17** | .02 | −.13* | .04 | .11* | .17** | .22** | .08 | .20** | −.09 | (.71) |
Note: Coefficient alphas for each measure are presented along the diagonal in parentheses. TOA: Theory of Anxiety; TOI: Theory of Intelligence; TOE: Theory of Emotion; CQ: Change Questionnaire; PSWQ: Penn State Worry Questionnaire; MASQ: Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire (AA: Anxious Arousal; AD: Anhedonic Depression); STAI-T: State and Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait version; BDI-II: Beck Depression Inventory-II; MPS: Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale; ERQ: Emotion Regulation Questionnaire – (R: Reappraisal; S: Suppression).
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