Amount of money you’ve spent |
25,298 (44.3) |
23,854 (41.8) |
6,915 (12.1) |
1,007 (1.8) |
Amount of physical activity |
17,937 (31.8) |
31,270 (55.4) |
5,885 (10.4) |
1,351 (2.4) |
Time spent talking to family/friends |
12,651 (22.5) |
32,109 (57.1) |
9,665 (17.2) |
1,778 (3.2) |
Time spent talking to work colleagues |
7,826 (14) |
10,599 (18.9) |
1,298 (2.3) |
36,331 (64.8) |
Number of hours you work in usual workplace |
6,679 (11.9) |
10,967 (19.5) |
1,613 (2.9) |
37,050 (65.8) |
Amount you sleep |
5,613 (9.8) |
45,046 (78.8) |
5,093 (8.9) |
1,409 (2.5) |
Amount of alcohol you drink |
4,198 (7.5) |
23,727 (42.3) |
2,822 (5) |
25,281 (45.1) |
Amount you smoke/vape |
1,088 (1.9) |
6,240 (11.2) |
1,037 (1.9) |
47,591 (85.1) |
Time spent reading or listening to the news |
3,581 (6.3) |
28,560 (49.9) |
23,742 (41.5) |
1,316 (2.3) |
Time watching TV/streaming service |
2,260 (4) |
29,221 (51.4) |
23,537 (41.4) |
1,791 (3.2) |
Time spent doing hobbies/things you enjoy |
8,424 (15) |
30,849 (54.8) |
11,026 (19.6) |
5,949 (10.6) |
Amount you eat |
6,522 (11.5) |
39,183 (69.3) |
10,133 (17.9) |
727 (1.3) |
Time spent on social media |
3,439 (6.2) |
25,380 (45.5) |
9,965 (17.9) |
17,006 (30.5) |
Number of hours you work at home |
2,358 (4.2) |
18,304 (32.3) |
7,339 (13) |
28,639 (50.6) |
Practicing relaxation/mindfulness/meditation |
2,562 (4.6) |
28,835 (51.7) |
6,895 (12.4) |
17,475 (31.3) |
Time spent playing video games |
1,238 (2.2) |
10,621 (19) |
4,135 (7.4) |
39,992 (71.4) |