Table 1.
Semi-structured qualitative interview participant baseline characteristics (n = 17), 2018–2021
n (%) | |
Age (mean, SD) | 40.4 (SD 8.2) |
Age (median, IQR) | 39 [33, 45] |
Gender | |
Male | 9 (52.9%) |
Female | 8 (47.1%) |
Race/Ethnicity | |
White | 16 (94.1%) |
Black | 1 (5.9%) |
Education | |
Elementary | 3 (17.7%) |
Some high school | 7 (41.2%) |
High school graduate | 4 (23.5%) |
Some college/technical | 2 (11.8%) |
Missing | 1 (5.9%) |
Household income less than $25,000 | 8 (47.1%) |
Homeless (past 6 months) | 10 (58.8%) |
Accessed food supports (past 6 months) | 16 (94.1%) |
Healthcare services | |
Do you currently see a primary care provider at least once per year | 5 (26.3%) |
Have you ever had bad experiences with primary care such that you considered not going anymore? | 10 (52.6%) |
Drug use (past 30 days) | |
Inject more than one time in a single sitting, from same solution (past 30-day average amount) | 11 (64.7%) |
Which of the following places have you injected (past 30 days) | |
Your own place | 15 (88.2%) |
A friend, family member, or acquaintance's place | 12 (70.6%) |
Dealer's place | 10 (58.8%) |
Car or other vehicle | 10 (58.8%) |
On the street | 2 (11.8%) |
Public or state park | 4 (23.5%) |
In the woods or other outdoor location | 5 (29.4%) |
Public restroom or restroom in a store/business | 8 (47.1%) |
Abandoned building | 2 (11.8%) |
Barn | 1 (5.9%) |
Sharing practices (past 30 days) | |
Use a syringe/needle that you know used by someone else | 4 (23.5%) |
Use a cotton/cooker/spoon rinse by somebody else | 6 (35.3%) |
Let someone else use a cotton/cooker/spoon after used it | 4 (23.5%) |
Inject drugs that somebody else injected | 4 (23.5%) |
Any of the above | 7 (41.2%) |
Overdose risk and prevention | |
How many times in the past 30 days have you injected alone? (mean, SD) | 19.9 (SD 21.2) |
How many times in the past 30 days have you injected alone? [median, IQR] | 15 [2, 25] |
Do you currently carry naloxone or Narcan with you when you leave the house? | 6 (35.3%) |
Have you given naloxone or Narcan to anyone you do drugs with? | 10 (58.8%) |
Have you ever used naloxone or Narcan on someone to reverse an overdose? | 8 (47.1%) |
Do you currently have naloxone or Narcan with you or at home? | 10 (58.8%) |
Source of needles/syringes (past 30 days) | |
Pharmacy | 12 (70.6%) |
Syringe or needle exchange program | 5 (29.4%) |
Overdose experiences | |
Ever experienced an overdose | 12 (70.6%) |
Lifetime number of overdose(s) experienced (mean, SD) | 5.6 (SD 8.8) |
Lifetime number of overdose(s) experienced [median, IQR] | 2 [1, 4] |
Witnessed an overdose | 15 (88.2%) |
Have you ever been trained to recognize and respond to an overdose? | 8 (47.1%) |
Have you ever called 911 because someone overdosed? | 9 (52.9%) |
Have you ever gotten an overdose reversal kit or prescription for naloxone or Narcan? | 10 (58.8%) |
Have you ever used naloxone or Narcan on someone to reverse an overdose? | 9 (47.1%) |
Do you currently have naloxone or Narcan with you or at home? | 10 (58.8%) |
How many people you know have died from an overdose in the past 6 months? | 11 (64.7%) |