(A) Selection scheme with reporter genes inserted at H3K27 methylation-marked loci to select for genes required for silencing. (B) Schematic of protein domains in ISWI and ACF1 with the changes identified in our selection (L430P and D161fs, respectively; marked with asterisks). The conserved nature of the changed residue in ISWI is highlighted for the designated species. (C) Serial dilution spot-test silencing assay for the indicated strains, which all contain PNCU07152::nat-1 on media with or without nourseothricin (NTC). (D), Serial dilution spot-test silencing assay for the indicated strains, which contain PNCU07152::nat-1 and PNCU5173::hph, on media with or without nourseothricin (NTC) or hygromycin (HYG). For complementation tests, wild-type copies of each gene were inserted at the his-3 locus (indicated at left as +iswiWTor +acf1WT). All spot tests were imaged after 48 hr at 32°C and performed at least twice. The number of cells spotted is indicated beneath the images.