(a) Multiple flat warts in a patient with typical EV caused by mutations in the TMC6 gene. (b) A solitary common wart in the middle finger of a kidney transplant patient. (c) Multiple common warts in a patient with primary inborn error of immunity (IEI) caused by mutations in GATA2. (d) Exophytic warts and cutaneous horns in a patient with TMS due to mutations in CD28. Below each clinical picture, there are representative Sashimi plots derived from whole transcriptome sequencing by RNA-Seq, identifying the types of HPV associated with the lesions shown above or in the normal appearing skin of the same patients. The corresponding genomic structures of HPVs are shown below; note the presence of Early (E1–8), Late (L1 and L2) and Upstream Regulatory Region. The copy number of viruses is very low (a, c and d), or completely absent (b), in normal appearing skin adjacent to the warts. HPV, human papilloma virus; EV, epidermodysplasia verruciformis; IEI, inborn error of immunity; MAEC, Maximum exon coverage; MIEC, Minimum exon coverage; TMS, the tree-man syndrome.