Figure 11.
Whole brain horizontal sections of PRV and HSV stained tissue
(A–C) Posterior-vermal output paths reach the frontal cortex and striatum. Example viral labeling after a vermal injection. (A) Autofluorescent horizontal plane for anatomical reference. (B) Deep frontal neocortical layers receive input from the cerebellum. (C) The striatum receives cerebellar input in dense clusters. Projections are 300 μm across the dorsal-ventral axis. Scale bars: 1 mm (A), 250 μm (B and C). (D–I) Input and output of the lateral cerebellar cortex is bilateral at the neocortical level.
(D) Horizontal maximum projection of 188 μm from a mouse brain 78 h post PRV injection.
(E and F) The left (E) and right (F) neocortex sends input to the right cerebellar hemisphere.
(G) Horizontal maximum projection of 375 μm from a mouse brain 83 h post H129 injection.
(H and I) The left (H) and right (I) neocortex receive input from the right cerebellar hemisphere. Red arrows highlight injection sites. Scale bars: 1 mm (D and G), 150 μm (E, F, H, and I).