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. 2022 Apr 12;13:859755. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.859755



Naringin inhibits the effect of DOX on apoptosis, inflammation and Oxidative stress in vitro (A) Effect of Naringin on H9C2 cells in the presence of DOX. Cell counting kit 8-based cell viability assays show Cell viability of H9C2 cells in the presence of DOX. (B) Effects of Naringin on the protein expression levels of Bcl-2, Bax and NOX2 in H9C2 cells (left panel) with quantification analysis (right panel). (C) Naringin treatment increases Dox-Induced Bcl-2 Secretion in NRVMS, which displays representative imaging of bcl-2 immunofluorescence staining. Bcl-2 cells are in green, DAPI in blue. (D) Representative Mito-SOX fluorescence images indicate the level of mitochondrial damage (left panel) with quantification of Mito-SOX florescence intensity. (E) Representation image of IF staining of the DNA damage markers γ-H2AX (left panel). The average number of γ-H2AX foci in γ-H2AX-positive NRVMS. (FH) The level of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α detected by ELISA. ***p < 0.001 DOX versus control group; ## p < 0.01, and ### p < 0.001 DOX versus NR + DOX.