Fig. 5.
A. Position of genes along the first and second axes produced by correspondence analysis based on RSCU values of the 59 synonymous codons from flavonoid biosynthesis pathways associated with genes of Camellia sinensis. X and Y-axis correspond to Axis 1 and Axis 2. Fig. 5B. ENc plot analyses (ENc or Nc plotted against GC3) of flavonoid biosynthesis pathways associated with genes from Camellia sinensis. ENc represents the effective number of codons, and GC3 is the GC content of synonymous codons at the third position. In the plot, the ENc from GC3 was shown as a bell-shaped bisymmetric curve. The solid line represents the expected curve when codon usage bias is only affected by mutational pressure. Nc was obtained from Codon W 1.4.4 (