Fig. 4.
Cell type analysis reveals influx of a number of both adaptive and innate immune cell subtypes in canine DLE lesions. (A) Total CD45 infiltrate as approximated by NanoString nSolver. (B) Z-scored cell type scores from NanoString Advanced Analysis. Heatmap generated with Morpheus software. Cell type scores by disease state for (C) T-cells (p-value = 6.72 × 10-7), (D) Th1 cells (p-value = 1.09 × 10-9), (E) cytotoxic cells (p-value = 6.21 × 10-7), (F) B-cells (p-value = 3.12 × 10-6), (G) NK CD56dim cells, (H) neutrophils (p-value = 6.51 × 10-4), (I) dendritic cells and (J) dermal CD103+ dendritic cells. (n = 6 DLE and n = 5 healthy controls, student’s t tests and/or Mann Whitney U tests significant as indicated).