Fig. 1.
Characterization of EVs present in the VSF. (A) The particle size analysis performed by NTA showed that VSF is composed mainly of small particles up to 200 nm. The graph represents the mean and mode sizes obtained in the three independent assays. The values obtained indicated the modal particle size was 126 nm, while the mean size was 171 nm. (B) Transmission electron microscopy of EVs present in the VSF of NCC-HN19 and HEK293T, scales bar = 50 nm. (C) Western Blotting assay of VSF isolated from the NCC-HN19 cells for two different classical EVs markers (ALIX; 95 kDa, and CD9; 24 kDa). (D) The nanoparticles concentration values obtained through NTA showed that the VSF is enriched with approximately 24,2 × 108 nanoparticles/ml.