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. 2022 Apr 26;124:S82–S89. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.04.041

Table 5.

Clinical characteristics of the patients with a severe condition of COVID-19

Characteristics COVID-19/TBN = 38 (%) COVID-19N = 36 (%) p-value
Gender (male/female) 21 (55,3)/ 17 (44,7) 22 (61,1)/ 14 (38,9) 0,610
Contact with COVID-19 11 (28,9) 2 (5,6) 0,013
Сigarette smoking 22 (57,9) 13 (36,1) 0,061
Signs and Symptoms
Fever > 38°C 32 (84,2) 36 (100,0) 0,025
Nasal congestion 3 (7,9) 20 (55,6) < 0,001
Fatigue 12 (31,6) 23 (63,9) 0,005
Dyspnea during physical exertion 22 (57,9) 23 (63,9) 0,598
Cough 27 (71,1) 35 (97,2) 0,003
Chest pain 6 (15,8) 13 (36,1) 0,063
Congestion in the chest 0 (0,0) 16 (44,4) < 0,001
Sore throat 1 (2,6) 18 (51,4) < 0,001
Headache 4 (10,5) 10 (27,8) 0,077
Taste disorders 1 (2,6) 13 (36,1) < 0,001
Olfactory disorders 1 (2,6) 19 (52,8) < 0,001
General malaise 32 (84,2) 34 (94,4) 0,263
Rhinorrhea 0 (0,0) 1 (2,8) 0,486
DVT/PE (Deep Vein Thrombosis /Pulmonary Embolism) 1 (2,6) 13 (36,1) < 0,001
ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) 6 (15,8) 16 (44,4) 0,007
Respiratory failure 17 (44,7) 30 (83,3) < 0,001
Sepsis 0 (0,0) 6 (16,7) 0,011
Respiration rate 23 (22–28) 22 (20–26) 0,645
SpO2 95 (91–97) 95 (94–97) 0,582
Serum CRP 63 (22–133) 47 (19–106) 0,523
КТ1 8 (21.0) 8 (22.3) < 0,001
КТ2 17 (44,7) 10 (27,7)
КТ3 13(34,3) 7 (19,5)
КТ4 0 (0.0) 11 (30.5)