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. 2022 Mar 21;7(2):e01290-21. doi: 10.1128/msystems.01290-21


Transposon-insertion sequencing statistics before TTR normalization

Replicate Sequencing yield No. of Tn end-containing reads Replicon Read count (no. of unique TA sites) No. of TA hitsa Insertion densityb Median read count over non-zero TAc
T1 25,830,465 22,029,814 Chromosome 21,916,438 59,675 69.9 100.9
pLM16734 1,262,371 1,205 88.5 62.6
T2 39,102,386 26,462,594 Chromosome 26,330,348 60,579 71.0 99.6
pLM16734 956,994 1,196 87.9 65.6
P1 30,091,641 26,195,853 Chromosome 26,067,795 52,850 61.9 99.9
pLM16734 1,227,568 979 71.9 77.3
P2 34,333,964 30,135,609 Chromosome 29,982,890 55,013 64.5 93.8
pLM16734 1,236,398 1,052 77.3 70.05

The X. hortorum pv. vitians LM16734 genome contains 85,314 chromosomal TA sites and 1,361 plasmidic TA sites.


Insertion density reflects the percentage of TA sites with at least one read mapped over the total number of TA sites on the replicon.


Mean read count per TA site containing at least one read.