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. 2022 Apr 7;13(2):e00539-22. doi: 10.1128/mbio.00539-22

FIG 5.


Barcoded ZChol strains can reveal the impact of vaccination on V. cholerae population dynamics during infection. (A) Schematic of experimental protocol as well as interpretations of the potential outcomes of the barcode-based analyses of bacterial population composition. Infant mice from live or killed OCV-vaccinated dams were challenged with genetically barcoded ZTox or ZCholO or ZCholI at a 105 dose. Mice were sacrificed 20 hours postinoculation. (B) CFU per SI from each mouse orally inoculated with the barcoded libraries. Purple circles are CFU per SI values below the limit of detection of this assay, i.e., no recoverable CFU from the inoculated infant mice. (C) Ns values indicate the size of the V. cholerae founding populations, i.e., the number of bacteria from the 105 CFU inoculum that successfully initiated colonization and expansion. Purple circles are Ns values below the limit of detection from deep sequencing. (D) CFU/Ns values determined by the dividing the values in panel B by the values in panel C. Purple circles are CFU/Ns imputed from values below the limit of detection. Statistical differences were determined by Mann-Whitney U tests. Color-coded horizontal bars indicate geometric means of each group. Figure was generated using