FIG 1.
Distinct fecal microbiome, gene, and metabolome compositions between pre- and postsurgical CRC patients. (a to c) NMDS analysis based on the Bray-Curtis distance was carried out to visualize the influence of surgical treatment on the overall community structure of the genus-level taxonomic profile (a), KO-level functional profile (b), and metabolome profile (c) in pre- and postsurgical treatment samples. n represents the number of samples. (d to f) Violin and box plots show the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity of the genus-level taxonomic profile (d), KO-level functional profile (e), and metabolome profile (f) of fecal samples at two different time points within the same participants. n represents the number of paired samples in the same individuals. The boxes in box plots represent 25th to 75th percentiles, black lines indicate the median, and whiskers extend to the lowest and highest values within 1.5 times the interquartile range. (d and e) The Voigt et al. data sets obtained from healthy individuals at two different time points were used as the control for taxonomic and functional profile analysis (22). (f) The Nagata et al. data sets were used as control data from a healthy individual cohort for metabolomic analysis (23). PERMANOVA shows a difference between presurgical and postsurgical treatment in community structure in each profile in panels a to c. Statistical analysis was performed by a one-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test in panels d to f. Significant differences are denoted as follows: +++, elevation (P < 0.005); ++, elevation (P < 0.01); +, elevation (P < 0.05); −−−, depletion (P < 0.005); −−, depletion (P < 0.01); and −, depletion (P < 0.05).