The OnePetri mobile application rapidly detects plaques with minimal error compared with other tools. OnePetri (on-device and in the iOS simulator) was benchmarked against CFU.AI, PST, and manual counts. The (A) total time to obtain plaque counts (in seconds) and (B) the relative error rate of each tool (%), comparing counts from the tool to gold standard manual counts, were calculated and compared (n = 49 images in the benchmarking data set analyzed using each tool, **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001, nonparametric one-way ANOVA using Wilcoxon rank-sum test with Benjamini/Hochberg correction for multiple comparisons). (C) The relative error rate of each tool (%) was compared with the manual plaque count value. The resulting correlations are overlaid. Note that the OnePetri-Device (green circle) and OnePetri-Simulator (orange triangle) correlation lines mostly overlap. ANOVA, analysis of variance; CFU, colony forming units; PST, Plaque Size Tool.