Kaplan–Meier analysis of the proportion of subjects returning to recovery urinary, bowel, sexual, hormonal, and satisfactory scorea) over time. (A) Urinary summary scores (US). (B) Urinary function scores (UF). (C) Urinary bother scores (UB). (D) Urinary irritative–obstructive scores (UIR). (E) Urinary incontinence scores (UI). (F) Bowel summary scores (BS). (G) Bowel function scores (BF). (H) Bowel bother scores (BB). (I) Sexual summary scores (SS). (J) Sexual function scores (SF). (K) Sexual bother scores (SB). (L) Hormonal summary scores (HS). (M) Hormonal function scores (HF). (N) Hormonal bother scores (HB). (O) Satisfactory scores (SAT).
a)Recovery group defined as change score that was greater than (preoperative value − ½ SD preoperative value) for respective subscales.