Figure 4.
Similarities and differences in developing human pancreatic and gallbladder cells. Pancreas and gallbladder tissues from different (N = 11) human fetuses were classified as early (<20 WGA, n = 5) or late (>20 WGA, n = 6) development. TaqMan-based real-time qPCR for pancreatic/epithelial gene transcripts and histone deacetylation enzymes in developing human pancreas and gallbladder tissues are presented and analyzed using Kruskal–Wallis with the Dunn multiple comparisons test. Split violin plots compared the gene expression in early vs late gallbladders (shades of green) and pancreas (shades of red). The horizontal line within each bar of the split violins represents the median, bars extend to quartiles, and the polygons represent the density of data points and extend to minimum/maximum values. The P values represent a 2-tailed Welch test between all (early and late) gallbladder vs pancreas samples. No statistically significant differences were observed within the developmental groups (early vs late), for either of the pancreatic or gallbladder tissue samples for any of the gene transcripts shown.