Gene expression pathways enriched in adult human gallbladder epithelial cells. (A) An unsupervised bidirectional hierarchical cluster of 51 genes known to be associated with or necessary for normal pancreas development/function, profiled in adult human pancreatic islets (red, n = 21) and human gallbladder epithelial cells (green, n = 18) was plotted using Euclidean distance metric and average linkage. The heat map representing normalized qPCR Ct values (color bar) for each gene (listed on right Y-axis) with low Ct values/high expression in orange–red color and higher Ct values/low expression in shades of yellow to white. Data consist of measurement on ViiA7 (INS, GCG, MAFA, NEUROG3, HES1, and PDX1) or using a custom TaqMan OpenArray platform. (B) Venn diagram showing the number of genes common between our bulk gallbladder RNA-seq (n = 6) and the publicly available data set of human islet β-cells (see the Methods section). (C-G) The most significant and relevant Biological Process GO categories enriched in gallbladder cells are presented. Data obtained from RNA-seq was used to identify the gallbladder-expressed genes and total gallbladder transcripts were filtered for β-cell–expressed transcripts obtained from E-GEOD-20966. The X-axis represents −log10 P value, the dotted vertical line represents the significant P value = .05, and relevant pathways are provided on the Y-axis. Pathways involved in (C) endocrine pancreatic β-cell function, (D) development and differentiation, (E) vesicle transport, (F) mitochondrial function, and (G) carbohydrate metabolism are presented. ATP, adenosine triphosphate; COPII, Coat protein complex II; NADH, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.