Variation in bacterial community among four leaf miner species. (A) Shannon and Richness indices of four leaf miner bacterial communities. Different letters indicate significant differences between groups at a level of P < 0.05. (B) Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) plot based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities performed on the taxonomic profile for four leaf miner microbial communities. (C) The relative abundance of the major phyla presents in the microbial communities in the four leaf miner species. (D) Comparison of host phylogeny with dendrogram of similarity in microbiota composition in the four leaf miner species. (E) Co-occurrence networks of the microbiota in the four leaf miner species (i.e., L. trifolii, L. sativae, L. chinensis, L. huidobrensis). Edges represent significant Spearman correlations (ρ > |0.6|, P < 0.05). Blue and red lines represent significant negative and positive correlations, respectively. The sizes of the points indicate the relative abundance of OTUs in each microbial community.