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. 2022 Mar 22;10(2):e01772-21. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.01772-21


The quantity of polA and Tpp47 in urine and plasma in patients with different stages of syphilisa

Stages Urine supernatant (copies/mL)
Urine sediment (copies/mL)
Plasma (copies/mL)
polA Tpp47 polA Tpp47 polA Tpp47
Primary 59.4 (16.5 to 1,551) 50.6 (9.9 to 1,562) 148.5 (10.45 to 1,216) 59.4 (5.5 to 1,331) 23.1 (17.6 to 50.05) 27.5 (0 to 62.15)
Secondary 17.6 (0 to 20.35) 44 (11.55 to 66.55) 209 (22 to 649)b,c 253 (29.15 to 1,029)c 19.8 (0 to 37.4) 19.8 (0 to 43.45)
Latent 88 (0 to 176) 291.5 (55 to 528) 0 (0 to 198) 220 (0 to 220) 0 (0 to 0) 20.9 (0 to 41.8)
Symptomatic neurosyphilis 0 55 0 0 0 (0 to 0) 0 (0 to 0)
All cases 18.7 (0 to 80.85) 49.5 (18.7 to 153.5) 148.5 (4.95 to 649)b,c 101.2 (19.8 to 1,029)c 19.8 (0 to 37.95) 19.8 (0 to 44)b

aThe loads of polA and Tpp47 in urine supernatant from all cases (n = 30), primary syphilis (n = 9), secondary syphilis (n = 18), latent syphilis (n = 2), and symptomatic neurosyphilis (n = 1) are shown. The loads of polA and Tpp47 in urine sediment from all cases (n = 48), primary syphilis (n = 16), secondary syphilis (n = 28), latent syphilis (n = 3), and symptomatic neurosyphilis (n = 1) are also shown. Finally, the loads of polA and Tpp47 in plasma from all cases (n = 54), primary syphilis (n = 14), secondary syphilis (n = 36), latent syphilis (n = 2), and symptomatic neurosyphilis (n = 2) are shown.

bP < 0.05 compared to urine supernatant.

cP < 0.05 compared to plasma.