Figure 1. Examples of Visual Arrays Tasks Used in the Present Study.
Note. Visual arrays, with either a color change judgment or an orientation change judgment. The labeling of each task is based on the following criteria: VA-[the category of the change-based judgment] - [is there a selection component]. The two potential judgements for change are color or orientation (i.e., has a square changed color, or has a bar changed orientation. The selection components direct an individual to a pay attention to half of the array (either one side [the right or left subset] or one subset of stimuli [blue (light gray) or red (dark gray) bars only]). Going forward, (a) and (b) will be referred to as nonselection versions as all array information is needed for retrieval. In versions (c) and (d) the –S indicates a selection component as evidenced by the cue in lieu of a fixation. (a) and (b) begin with fixation, which is followed by a target array of to-be-remembered items, then an interstimulus interval (ISI). For (a) the test-taker must indicate whether the encircled box has changed colors. For (b) the test-taker must indicate whether any box has changed its orientation. (c) and (d) begin with a cue that indicates which information will be relevant. This is followed by the array of to-be-remembered items, along with distractors. After the ISI, the probe array appears with only cued information presented. For (c) the test-taker must indicate whether any box has changed color. For (d) the test-taker must indicate whether the box with the white dot has changed orientation. VA = visual arrays. See the online article for the color version of this figure.