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. 2022 May;28(5):998–1001. doi: 10.3201/eid2805.220197

Table. . Overview of 18 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection caused by the Omicron variant, Japan, November 29–December 18, 2021*.

Case no. Patient age, y/sex Disease severity Vaccine, no. doses (type) Duration of symptoms, d Lowest Cq values (days after diagnosis, days after symptom onset) Virus isolation, since diagnosis (days)‡
1 39/M Mild 2 (M, M) 5 21.6 (3, 3) Positive (3)
2 30/M Asymptomatic 2 (M, M) NA 25.3 (5, NA) Positive (5)
3 25/M Mild 2 (P, P) 6 23.2 (4, 3) Negative
4 46/M Mild 3 (J, P, P) 11 24.7 (9, 11) Positive (6)
5 50/M Asymptomatic 2 (P, P) NA 23.1 (5, NA) Positive (5)
6 31/M Mild 2 (P, P) 5 25.4 (0, 0) Negative
7 47/M Asymptomatic 2 (P, P) NA 34.2 (9, NA) Negative
8 33/F Mild 2 (M, M) 12 32.4 (0, 1) Negative
9 64/M Mild 2 (P, P) 4 23.9 (0, −1) Positive (0)
10 42/M Mild 2 (M, M) 4 27.0 (0, −1) Negative
11 49/M Mild 2 (M, M) 5 26.5 (0, −1) Positive (8)
12 31/M Mild 2 (M, M) 4 25.4 (5, 4) Positive (7)
13 50/M Mild 2 (M, M) 6 24.7 (5, 7) Positive (5)
14 30/F Mild 2 (M, M) 11 30.0 (0, 2) Negative
15 27/M Mild 2 (P, P) 8 25.8 (6, 10) Negative
16 23/M Mild 2 (P, P) 5 18.7 (3, 4) Positive (3)
17 47/M Mild 2 (M, M) 6 24.2 (7, 7) Positive (0)
18 38/M Mild 2 (P, P) 6 29.0 (7, 8) Negative

*The consensus sequences of the viral genome have been uploaded to GISAID ( (identification nos. EPI_ISL_6913953, EPI_ISL_6914908, EPI_ISL_7194610, EPI_ISL_7834392, EPI_ISL_7860184, EPI_ISL_7860185, EPI_ISL_7860188, EPI_ISL_7860189, EPI_ISL_7860190, EPI_ISL_7860193, EPI_ISL_7860197, EPI_ISL_7889642, EPI_ISL_7889643, EPI_ISL_8096984, EPI_ISL_8096995, EPI_ISL_8605240, EPI_ISL_8605241, EPI_ISL_8605242). Cq, quantification cycle; J, Johnson & Johnson; M, Moderna; NA, not available; P, Pfizer/BioNTech; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome. coronavirus 2.