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. 2022 Apr 13;11:e75272. doi: 10.7554/eLife.75272

Table 1. Cryo-EM data collection, refinement, and validation statistics.

Data collection and processing
Magnification ×130,000
Voltage (kV) 300
Microscope Titan Krios (Aarhus University)
Camera Gatan K3
Physical pixel size (Å/pix) 0.66
Electron exposure (e–/Å2) 60
Defocus range (μm) 0.7–1.8
Number of movies 3,918
Initial particle images (no.) 470,103
Final particle images (no.) 104,643
Symmetry imposed C1
Map resolution (Å) 3.1
 FSC threshold 0.143
Map resolution range (Å) 2.7–4.5
Initial model used (PDB code) ATP8B1: I-TASSER homology model based on 6ROHCDC50A: 6K7L
Model resolution (Å) 3.3
 FSC threshold 0.5
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) –84
Model composition
 Non-hydrogen atoms 11,868
 Protein residues 1,439
 Ligands 1 MG, 1 BEF, 4 Y01, 4 NAG, 1 BMA
B factors (Å2, min/max/mean)
 Protein 33.89/136.87/67.09
 Ligand 41.58/110.52/60.89
R.m.s. deviations
 Bond lengths (Å) 0.002
 Bond angles (°) 0.492
 MolProbity score 1.43
 Clashscore 4.74
 Poor rotamers (%) 0.08
Ramachandran plot
 Favored (%) 96.92
 Allowed (%) 3.08
 Disallowed (%) 0.0