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. 2022 Apr 28;27(8):11055–11087. doi: 10.1007/s10639-022-11058-9

Table 5.

Most productive countries based on publications, citations, and Altmetrics

Name TP TC TPA (%) Name TC TP TPA (%) Name TP TC TPA (%)
United States 1532 19,659 21.0 United States 19,659 1532 21.0 New Zealand 20 183 50.0
China 823 3143 5.2 Spain 8216 782 10.1 Israel 27 455 48.2
Spain 782 8216 10.1 Germany 5822 632 13.8 Denmark 51 539 39.2
Germany 632 5822 13.8 UK 5231 336 28.6 Cyprus 19 589 31.6
Italy 380 3694 10.5 Australia 4157 297 24.9 UK 336 5231 28.6
UK 336 5231 28.6 Italy 3694 380 10.5 Finland 46 647 28.3
India 329 1349 8.5 Netherlands 3320 195 20.5 Qatar 23 118 26.1
Australia 297 4157 24.9 China 3143 823 5.2 Australia 297 4157 24.9
Indonesia 291 578 1.4 France 2884 281 13.5 United States 1532 19,659 21.0
France 281 2884 13.5 Switzerland 2780 144 20.8 Switzerland 144 2780 20.8
Portugal 281 2541 6.1 Portugal 2541 281 6.1 Canada 189 1976 20.6
Russia 242 553 3.3 Canada 1976 189 20.6 Netherlands 195 3320 20.5
Japan 233 1671 9.0 Japan 1671 233 9.0 Sweden 109 1288 18.4
Brazil 226 1084 9.7 Austria 1461 136 11.0 Belgium 98 1061 17.4
Netherlands 195 3320 20.5 India 1349 329 8.5 South Africa 35 116 17.1
Canada 189 1976 20.6 Sweden 1288 109 18.4 Greece 136 968 16.9
Romania 165 555 3.0 Brazil 1084 226 9.7 Croatia 25 222 16.0
Switzerland 144 2780 20.8 South Korea 1072 95 15.8 South Korea 95 1072 15.8
Slovakia 143 728 2.8 Belgium 1061 98 17.4 Malaysia 54 355 14.8