Fig. 4.
Reconstruction of the location of microinjections into the medullary reticular formation. All sites are plotted on the right side of the brain, although sites were located on both sides. Corticotropin-releasing factor, non-NMDA agonists and NMDA antagonists microinjected into the NMC (dot) blocked. locomotion or myoclonus with a short latency. Open circles shown in the ventral part of the nucleus gigantocellularis represent the sites which when injected with non-NMDA agonists produced a longer latency (longer than 3 min) blockade of locomotion and muscle twitches. All sites received multiple injections. NGC, nucleus gigantocellularis; NMC, nucleus magnocellularis; P, pyramidal tract; RB, restiform body; 7, facial nucleus; 5ST, spinal trigeminal tract.