Extended Data Fig. 6. Comparison between BayesPrism and the two different modes of expression inference by CIBERSORTx.
Scatter plot shows Spearman’s correlation (left), and Pearson’s correlation (right), between gene expression estimated by BayesPrism (red), total bulk (blue), CIBERSORTx group mode (orange) or CIBERSORTx high resolution mode (purple) and the average expression from malignant cells in scRNA-seq as a function of the fraction of malignant cells in the dataset containing the 270 simulated samples. The correlation coefficient was calculated on 53 imputable genes by the high-resolution mode out of the top 1000 most variable genes in malignant cells. Spearman’s correlation coefficients were calculated on untransformed gene expression values, while Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated on variance-stabilizing transformed gene expression values.