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. 2022 Mar 12;30(6):5299–5309. doi: 10.1007/s00520-022-06914-w

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics, comorbidity status, disease response and unmet information needs of participants by cancer type

Characteristic Total Breast Colorectal Melanoma Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Prostate p value
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Total 2115 459 21.7 444 21.0 476 22.5 234 11.1 502 23.7
Years post diagnosis
1 year 759 35.9% 158 34.4 158 35.6 205 43.1 80 34.2 158 31.5 0.004
3 years 637 30.1% 161 35.1 147 33.1 133 27.9 48 20.5 148 29.5 0.001
5 years 719 34.0% 140 30.5 139 31.3 138 29.0 106 45.3 196 39.0 0.000
Male 1123 53.1 0 0.0 245 55.2 237 49.8 139 59.4 502 100.0 0.000
Female 992 46.9 459 100.0 199 44.8 239 50.2 95 40.6 0 0.0 0.000
 < 50 years 297 14.0% 89 19.4 54 12.2 106 22.3 31 13.2 17 3.4 0.000
50–59 years 466 22.0% 133 29.0 81 18.2 109 22.9 50 21.4 93 18.5 0.000
60–69 years 723 34.2% 143 31.2 142 32.0 138 29.0 72 30.8 228 45.4 0.000
70–79 years 452 21.4% 70 15.3 112 25.2 80 16.8 60 25.6 130 25.9 0.000
80 + years 177 8.4% 24 5.2 55 12.4 43 9.0 21 9.0 34 6.8 0.002
Country of birth
Australia 1561 78.8% 336 78.5 298 72.7 401 87.7 164 76.3 362 76.9 0.000
Other 420 21.2% 92 21.5 112 27.3 56 12.3 51 23.7 109 23.1 0.000
Remoteness index
Major city 1429 67.6% 295 64.3 289 65.1 314 66.0 174 74.4 357 71.1 0.018
Inner regional 572 27.0% 138 30.1 127 28.6 139 29.2 49 20.9 119 23.7 0.026
Outer regional/remote 114 5.4% 26 5.7 28 6.3 23 4.8 11 4.7 26 5.2 0.853
Response to treatment
Responded fully to treatment 1627 81.2% 358 82.1 344 81.5 411 89.3 167 77.3 347 74.0 0.000
Treated but still present 161 8.0% 17 3.9 30 7.1 16 3.5 30 13.9 68 14.5 0.000
Not treated 43 2.1% 5 1.1 7 1.7 3 0.7 8 3.7 20 4.3 0.001
Not certain 172 8.6% 56 12.8 41 9.7 30 6.5 11 5.1 34 7.2 0.001
Information needs
No needs 1247 59.0% 240 52.3 248 55.9 324 68.1 126 53.8 309 61.6 0.000
Low needs (1-3) 596 28.2% 135 29.4 129 29.1 127 26.7 76 32.5 129 25.7 0.319
High needs (4 +) 272 12.9% 84 18.3 67 15.1 25 5.3 32 13.7 64 12.7 0.000
Index of relative socio-economic disadvantage
Mean (SD) 2111 6.53 (2.81) 458 6.57 (2.79) 444 6.37 (2.88) 628 6.66 (2.74) 295 6.37 (2.82) 688 6.58 (2.83) 0.519
Number of longstanding comorbidities
Mean (SD) 2115 1.20 (1.29) 459 1.05 (1.17) 444 1.29 (1.40) 476 0.98 (1.19) 234 1.42 (1.37) 502 1.36 (1.29) 0.000

p values are from tests of equal proportions for categorical variables and from an analysis of variance for continuous variables