Figure 4.
Paclitaxel decreases capsaicin-induced analgesia for mechanical hyperalgesia in mice with chronic constriction injury of the infraorbital nerve (ION-CCI). Changes in mechanical sensitivity in the contralateral (A and C) or ipsilateral (B and D) side of skin behind the vibrissa pad within the infraorbital territory (V2) after a sham or ION-CCI procedure. Paclitaxel (PAC; 40 µg in 20 µL) or vehicle (Veh) alone (A and B) or a combination of capsaicin (Cap; 10 µg) and PAC or Veh (C and D) were injected 2 weeks after surgery. (A–B) N = 6 in sham/PAC (3 males and 3 females) and N = 5 in the other groups (3 males and 2 females). (C–D) N = 6 in each group (3 males and 3 females/group). Two-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by the Sidak posttest; ***P < 0.001 (vs. CCI/Cap/Veh). ANOVA, analysis of variance.