Can walk indoors and outdoors and climb stairs without using hands for support
Can perform usual activities such as running and jumping
Has decreased speed, balance and coordination
Level II
Can climb stairs with a railing
Has difficulty with uneven surfaces, inclines or in crowds
Has only minimal ability to run or jump
Level III
Walks with assistive mobility devices indoors and outdoors on level surfaces
May be able to climb stairs using a railing
May propel a manual wheelchair and need assistance for long distances or uneven surfaces
Level IV
Walking ability severely limited even with assistive devices
Uses wheelchairs most of the time and may propel own power wheelchair
Standing transfers, with or without assistance
Level V
Has physical impairments that restrict voluntary control of movement
Ability to maintain head and neck position against gravity restricted
Impaired in all areas of motor function
Cannot sit or stand independently, even with adaptive equipment
Cannot independently walk but may be able to use powered mobility