No easy solution to reaching women INGOs implementing MNH programs in urban slums shared some of the strategies they tested, which often failed, to adequately adjust to reflect women’s availability. One solution that was tried by Marie Stopes and the Urban Primary Health Care Services Development Project (UPHCSDP) Clinics in Bangladesh was extending the hours of the clinics. However, due to additional bottlenecks, this led to varying success: some women felt unsafe walking at night, so the hours had no effect on their care-seeking (Participant 8, personal communication, December 6, 2016; Participant 4, personal communication, March 2, 2016), while some clinicians objected to staying late, especially when the facilities were located in the slums (Participant 8, personal communication, December 6, 2016; Participant 6, personal communication, March 2, 2016). |