The universe of values of set |
On the degree to which any element on the domain belongs to the set |
The threshold for the combination of subjective weight and objective weight |
Threshold combining score function and symbol distance threshold |
Membership of set |
Number of decisions |
Number of alternatives |
Number of criteria |
Criteria have a direct effect on another criterion |
Criteria have an indirect effect on another criterion |
The criteria have no direct or indirect influence on another criterion |
Type-2 fuzzy sets |
IT2FSs Assessment |
The weight matrix of other criteria relative to the optimal criteria |
Weight matrix of other criteria relative to the worst criteria |
Criteria interaction matrix |
Adjacency Matrix |
Reachable matrix |
Decision Matrix |
The score function is calculated to get the matrix |
The score function and sign distance are calculated to get a matrix |
Average sort function |
Symbol distance |
Comprehensive distance between the two solutions |
Comprehensive score function of the criteria |
weight of DMs |
The best subjective weight set determined by the BWM method |
Consistency test value of subjective weight |
The best subjective weight set determined by the ISM-BWM method |
Weights determined by the maximum deviation method |
The relative weight of alternative n to alternative r |
The total value of alternative m |
The relative dominance of alternative m to alternative e on the nth criteria |
Relative dominance of alternative m over alternative e |
Weights determined by the maximum deviation method |
Objective weight determined by CSMDM |
Comprehensive weight of the nth criteria |
Consistency test number in BWM method |