Purification of commercial
urease type IX (Sigma-Aldrich) and characterization
of postpurification products. (A) Scheme of the purification of urease
as received (Ur-AR) by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and analysis
of urease by SDS-PAGE before purification, as well as the SEC fractions
(postpurification). (B) Reducing SDS-PAGE gel showing the protein
composition of Ur-AR. (C) SEC chromatograms of the Ur-AR purification
(with major peaks highlighted in blue, purple, and orange) and gel
filtration protein standards (670 and 158 kDa protein peaks correspond
to thyroglobulin and bovine γ-globulin, respectively). (D) Reducing
SDS-PAGE gel showing the fractions corresponding to the three major
SEC peaks found in C. (E) Michaelis–Menten fits of the recorded
reaction rates for urease activity from the fractions corresponding
to SEC peaks P1, P2, and P3. (F, G) Characterization by dynamic light
scattering of urease samples before (F) and after (G) purification.