Fig. 10.
Morphological images of BG incorporated CaP cement after setting. (A) Yang et al. [115] showed how BG nanoparticles and porous CaP microspheres placed inside hydrogel complex. (B) Renno et al. [116] showed the composite micrograph, yellow arrow represents the BG and arrow head represents the PLGA-microparticles. (C) Yu et al. [117] showed the micrograph of 20 wt% BG incorporated CaP cement composite. (D) Sadiasa et al. [118] showed the micrograph of 30 wt% BG incorporated CaP cement composite. (E) El-Fiqi et al. [119] showed the micrograph of 10 wt% BG incorporated CaP cement composite. (F) Dadkhah et al. [121] showed the homogenous distribution of cement calcium sulfate hemihydrate, mesoporous particles and glass-ceramic particles. (G) Hasan et al. [123] showed greyscale 3D reconstructed view of composite sample from micro-CT scans showing distribution of microspheres with in the brushite cement, yellow arrows indicate microspheres position inside the CaP cement. (H) Li et al. [124] showed the morphology of BG particles which were embedded and dispersed in the CaP paste as the yellow arrows indicated. (I) Pu et al. [125] showed the micrograph of 5 wt% BG incorporated CaP composite (Reproduced from the references with permission). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)