Appendix Table 1.
Cost Category Definitions
Cost Category | Description |
Start-up Costs: One-time costs to a program in order to start the OEND program. | |
Initial OEND Training for OOPP Staff | Initial OEND training of OOPP staff at a “Training of Dispensers” at the DOHMH or HRC and/or initial training onsite by program staff or invited trainer. |
Training Material Development | Development or translation of overdose education and naloxone training materials from DOHMH or HRC to be more specific to population served or for organizational trainings. |
Naloxone Tracking Database Development | Development of a database or excel sheet to track and document inventory and dispensing across multiple sites or multiple trainers. |
Variable Costs: Costs that depend on the number of training encounters with clients. | |
One-on-one Client Trainings (either onsite or through mobile unit) | Naloxone distribution through a one-on-one encounter with a client either onsite or on a mobile unit. One-on-one trainings can be delivered by peers, naloxone coordinator, physicians etc. |
Organizational Trainings with Organization Staff | Training delivered to staff of an organization that is at high-risk of witnessing an overdose. |
Community Trainings | Training delivered to members of a community in an open forum. |
Time Dependent Costs: Costs that occur on a regularly scheduled basis and support OEND. | |
Refresher OEND Training for OOPP Staff | Refresher OEND training for OOPP staff that can be delivered annually, or quarterly by site staff or HRC trainers. This can be done as part of a team meeting or one-on-one testing of trainers. |
Client Group Trainings | Training of clients in a group setting on a regularly scheduled basis (ex. weekly, monthly). It can be part of an existing meeting such as a harm reduction group session. |
Inventory Management | Time spent ordering kits and blue bags for the kits, preparing blue bags (including naloxone kits, educational materials, breathing masks, alcohol swabs, etc) and tracking inventory. |
Naloxone Database Management | Time spent managing the naloxone tracking database. |
Documentation and Reporting | Time spent documenting NRF forms (including scanning NRF forms) and reporting naloxone kit distribution to DOHMH for monthly reports. |
Refresher OEND Training for OOPP Staff | Refresher OEND training for OOPP staff that can be delivered annually, or quarterly by site staff or HRC trainers. This can be done as part of a team meeting or one-on-one testing of trainers. |
Note: Naloxone=intranasal naloxone kits; OOPP= Opioid Overdose Prevention Programs; OEND= Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution; DOHMH= Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; HRC= Harm Reduction Coalition; NRF= Naloxone Recipient Forms.