Figure 6.
ARG1 alleles in susceptible genotypes produce two differentially spliced transcripts. A, RT-PCR showing the expression of ARG1. The spliced ARG1 variant is indicated by a red arrow. Actin shows equal amounts of cDNA input. Similar results were obtained in two independent experiments. B, A schematic drawing of CARG and ARG1 genes (top). Exons and UTRs are shown as black and gray bars, respectively. ATG indicates translational start site and black arrows indicate the positions of primers used to amplify ARG1 transcripts. The full-length and alternatively spliced ARG1 transcripts are shown schematically. TAM428-U, full-length ARG1 in TAM428; TAM428-D, splice variant of ARG1 in TAM428. The red triangles indicate the positions of stop codon in the full-length and spliced ARG1 transcripts and TAM428. The skipped exon in the spliced second variant transcript is represented by a diagonal pattern in the exon. The major domains in ARG1 proteins are shown in the bottom right panel. CC-NB-ARC, coiled coil, nucleotide binding site. C, RT-PCR showing ARG1 transcripts in independent sorghum lines. The spliced ARG1 variant is indicated by a red arrow. Similar results were obtained in two independent experiments.