The activated defense responses in los2 mutants are dependent on salicylic acid pathway. A and B, GO enrichment analysis of 1192 upregulated genes (A) and 1140 downregulated genes (B) in los2-5 mutant as compared to WT. Enriched GO terms were identified by Panther ( C, Relative amount of free SA in Col-0, los2-2, pad4-1 and los2-2 pad4-1. The amount of salicylic acid in Col-0 was set to “1.” Five biological replicates were performed. D, Morphology of Col-0, los2-2, NahG and los2-2 NahG. Scale bar = 1 cm. E and F, Growth of bacterial pathogen Pst DC3000 (E) and analysis of PR1 gene expression (F) in Col-0, los2-2, NahG and los2-2 NahG. Six and three biological replicates were performed for (E) and (F), respectively. Error bars represent sd. Different letters indicate significant difference tested by one-way ANOVA/Duncan’s multiple range test via R 3.6.3 with “agricolae” package, P < 0.05.