ENO2, but not MBP-1, contributes to plant growth and immunity regulation. A, Simplified gene structures of fusion proteins LOS2-GFP and two mutated forms ENO2-GFP and MBP-GFP. Genomic DNA was used for fusing with GFP. B–D, Morphology (B), enolase activity (C), and growth of bacterial pathogen Pst DC3000 (D) of Col-0, los2-5 and complementation lines of LOS2-GFP (#6 and #8), ENO2-GFP (#1 and #8) and MBP-GFP (#1 and #3) in los2-5 background. E, Morphology of Col-0, los2-4 and complementation lines of LOS2-GFP (#6 and #8), ENO2-GFP (#1 and #8), and MBP-GFP (#1 and #3) in los2-4 background. Four and six biological replicates were performed for (C) and (D), respectively. Error bars represent sd. Different letters indicate significant difference tested by one-way ANOVA/Duncan’s multiple range test via R 3.6.3 with “agricolae” package, P < 0.05. Scale bar = 1 cm for (B) and (E). ; L, leucine; M, methionine.