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. 2022 Apr 28;12:6415. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-10341-6

Table 2.

Cohort life table of dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK.

Age (year) [x, x + 1) Number of dogs died in [x, x + 1) (dx) Number of dogs living at x (lx) Probability of dogs dying in [x, x + 1) (q^x) Mean fraction of last year of life lived by dogs died in [x, x + 1) (a^x) Number of dog-years lived in [x, x + 1) (Lx) Number of dog-years lived beyond x (Tx) Life expectancy at x (e^x)
0–1 514 30,563 0.017 0.42 30,263.84 343,221.39 11.23 (11.19–11.27)
1–2 481 30,049 0.016 0.52 29,819.18 312,957.55 10.41 (10.37–10.46)
2–3 482 29,568 0.016 0.45 29,304.56 283,138.37 9.58 (9.54–9.61)
3–4 489 29,086 0.017 0.48 28,829.65 253,833.80 8.73 (8.69–8.76)
4–5 559 28,597 0.020 0.48 28,304.73 225,004.16 7.87 (7.83–7.90)
5–6 677 28,038 0.024 0.47 27,679.76 196,699.43 7.02 (6.98–7.05)
6–7 892 27,361 0.033 0.46 26,883.05 169,019.67 6.18 (6.14–6.21)
7–8 1254 26,469 0.047 0.51 25,853.71 142,136.63 5.37 (5.34–5.40)
8–9 1730 25,215 0.069 0.50 24,344.36 116,282.92 4.61 (4.58–4.64)
9–10 2265 23,485 0.096 0.49 22,333.50 91,938.56 3.91 (3.89–3.94)
10–11 2852 21,220 0.134 0.48 19,746.67 69,605.06 3.28 (3.25–3.31)
11–12 3449 18,368 0.188 0.50 16,637.57 49,858.39 2.71 (2.69–2.74)
12–13 3645 14,919 0.244 0.47 13,001.49 33,220.82 2.23 (2.20–2.25)
13–14 3785 11,274 0.336 0.48 9303.98 20,219.32 1.79 (1.77–1.82)
14–15 3126 7489 0.417 0.44 5743.64 10,915.34 1.46 (1.43–1.48)
15–16 2249 4363 0.515 0.43 3070.22 5171.70 1.19 (1.15–1.22)
16–17 1253 2114 0.593 0.39 1348.90 2101.48 0.99 (0.95–1.03)
17–18 542 861 0.630 0.38 522.78 752.58 0.87 (0.82–0.93)
18–19 218 319 0.683 0.32 170.71 229.81 0.72 (0.64–0.80)
19–20 78 101 0.772 0.33 48.41 59.09 0.59 (0.47–0.71)
20 and over 23 23 1.000 0.46 10.68 10.68 0.46 (0.26–0.70)

Each column is a feature of a typical life table.