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. 2022 Apr 28;13:2297. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-29751-1

Fig. 2. Super-resolution STORM imaging reveals synaptic Tenm3 nanoclusters in the proximal CA1 and the distal subiculum that are adjacent to presynaptic active zones visualized with antibodies to Bassoon.

Fig. 2

a Representative images of Tenm3 nanoclusters (red) and presynaptic Bassoon macroclusters (green) show that the majority of Tenm3 nanoclusters in the proximal CA1 region are localized close to presynaptic active zones. Left images show overviews; right images, zoom-ins, in the whole field (left) and zoon-in field (right) at proximal CA1. Mice were infected with AAVs at P0 and analyzed at P13 (arrows = synaptic Tenm3 nanoclusters co-localized with Bassoon macroclusters; asterisks = non-synaptic Tenm3 nanoclusters that are >80 nm separated from presynaptic Bassoon macroclusters). b The Tenm3 deletion suppresses synaptic Tenm3 nanoclusters in the proximal CA1 region. Summary graphs show the percentage of Tenm3 nanoclusters that are synaptic (top) or non-synaptic (bottom) in control-infected (black) or Cre-expressing AAVs Tenm3 cKO mice (red). c Representative images of individual synapses in the proximal CA1 containing Tenm3 nanoclusters in mice without (ΔCre, left) and with deletion of Tenm3 in the MEC (Cre, right). df Same as ac, except that brain sections were analyzed from distal subiculum. g Tenm3 nanoclusters occupy approximately 6% of the presynaptic active zone. Summary graphs depict the radius of Tenm3 nanoclusters (left) and Bassoon macroclusters (right) in the proximal CA1 and distal subiculum. h Most (>90%) presynaptic active zones visualized as Bassoon macroclusters contain 1–2 Tenm3 nanoclusters in WT synapses in the proximal CA1 region. i Summary graph of the average number of nanoclusters per Bassoon-positive excitatory synapse in Tenm3 WT and neuron cKO from proximal CA1. j The minimum intercluster distance between Bassoon and Tenm3 clusters. kl Same as i, j, except that brain sections were analyzed from distal subiculum. Bar graphs show means ± SEM; numbers of sections/mice are indicated in the bars. Statistical significance was assessed using two-sided Student’s t-test (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01). For additional experiments and quantifications, see Supplementary Fig. 2. Scale bars: 10 µm (a, d, left panel), 1 µm (a, d, right panel) and 200 nm (c, f).