Figure 5. Predatory and territorial biting are associated with different search tactics.
(A) Translational and patrol distances for calculating speeds (see STAR Methods: Patrol speed).
(B-D) P. pacificus mouth tracks with (B) P. pacificus, (C) larval C. elegans, and (D) adult C. elegans cohabitants.
(E) Translational and patrol speeds (Tukey’s test, nP.pacificus = 6–10).
(F) Normalized patrol speed (Dunn’s test with Benjamini–Hochberg adjustment, nP.pacificus = 6–10).
(G) Expected prey-feeding time on bacteria-poor (top) and bacteria-rich patches (bottom).
(H) Prey-feeding time per bite (Dunn’s test with Benjamini–Hochberg adjustment, nadult = 10).
(I) Frequency of encountering larval prey (Dunn’s test with Benjamini–Hochberg adjustment, nP.pacificus = 10).
Error bars are 95% bootstrap CIs.