Preconditioning with tPA increases the abundance of activated astrocytes
and aquaporin-4-immunoreactive astrocytic end-feet processes in the
neurovascular unit. A & B. Representative Western blot analysis (a)
and quantification of the intensity of the band (b) of aquaporin-4 (AQ4)
abundance in astrocytes incubated for three hours with vehicle (control)
or 5 nM of tPA. n = 5 per experimental group. Statistical analysis:
two-tailed student’s t-test. C. Representative confocal micrographs at
60X magnification of cerebral cortical astrocytes immunostained with the
membrane marker Wheat Germ Agglutinin-Alexa Fluor 488 Conjugate (WGA;
green) and anti-aquaporin-4 antibodies (AQP4; red) 3 hours after
treatment with vehicle (control: C; panels a - c) or 5 nM of tPA (tPA;
panels d - f). Panels b & c and e & f correspond to a 5X
magnification of the area depicted by the white squares in a & b,
respectively. Arrowheads in panels e & f show areas of the plasma
membrane immunoreactive to anti-AQP4 antibodies in tPA-treated
astrocytes. (d) Quantification of AQP4 immunoreactivity in end-feet
processes of astrocytes exposed to the experimental conditions described
in C. Values are given as percentage of control-treated cells. n = 14
cells from three different cultures per experimental group. Statistical
analysis: two-tailed student’s t-test. (e & f) Representative
confocal micrographs at 60 X magnification (a & d) of GFAP (green)
and AQP4 (red) immunoreactivity in blood vessels of the frontal cortex
of male C57BL/6J mice 24 hours after the intracerebral injection of 2 μl
of either saline solution (SS; panel a), or a 5 nM solution of
proteolytically inactive itPA (itPA; panel d). Panels b & c and d
& f correspond to magnifications of the areas depicted by the
continuous (b & e) and dashed (c & f) squares in a and d,
respectively. F. Percentage of the total GFAP-immunoreactive area in the
blood vessel wall that co-localizes with AQP4. n = 5 brains per
experimental condition. Each dot represents the average of 6 micrographs
per brain. Statistical analysis: two-tailed student’s t-test. (g)
Representative three-dimensional reconstruction of confocal micrographs
taken from the area surrounding the necrotic core of male C57BL/6J mice
24 hours after 60 minutes of tMCAO. Three hours before tMCAO animals
were intravenously treated with either saline solution (a & c) or
tPA (b & d). Green: CD31; red: GFAP. Magnification: 60X in a &
b. Panels c & d correspond to a 400 X magnification of the area
depicted by the dashed squares in a & b. (h) Quantification of the
area immunoreactive to CD31 and GFAP in blood vessels in the zone
surrounding the necrotic core of animals subjected to the experimental
conditions described in G. n = 4 animals per experimental group, 6
micrographs per animal. Statistical analysis: two-tailed student’s
t-test. (i & j) The in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier (BBB)
assembled with brain microvascular endothelial cells cultured on the
upper side of a 1 μm pore size insert and astrocytes plated either on
the underside of the insert (i), or in the bottom of the lower chamber
(j), were preconditioned with 5 nM of tPA (n = 4 in G and 6 in H) or
vehicle (control; n = 4 in G and 6 in H), followed 3 hours later by
exposure to 60 minutes of OGD conditions. The transendothelial
electrical resistance (TEER) was quantified immediately after OGD and
compared with the TEER of inserts maintained under normoxic conditions
(n = 4 in G and 12 in H). Statistical analysis: one-way ANOVA with
Tukey’s multiple comparisons test.