Classification | Maximum | Minimum | Average |
Number of clean bases (Gb) | 1.21 | 1.19 | 1.2 |
Number of clean reads (M) | 24.1 | 23.87 | 23.98 |
Number of reads aligned (M) | 18.07 | 16.99 | 17.51 |
Percentage of reads aligned (%) | 74.96 | 71.01 | 73.01 |
Number of unique mapping reads (M) | 17.24 | 15.26 | 16.58 |
Percentage of unique mapping reads (%) | 71.97 | 64.95 | 68.82 |
Q30 (%) | 92.12 | 91.12 | 91.61 |
Q30 indicates the percentage of data/bases with a phred quality score > 30. Phred quality score > 30 means > 99.9% base call accuracy.