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. 2022 Apr 12;25(5):104240. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104240

Figure 10.

Figure 10

Example applications of the preliminary snowpack runoff decision support framework

The decision tree TWI potential thresholds applied to (a) December 26, 2005 through January 3, 2006 and (b) February 20–March 2, 2006. The first subpanel of each plot shows SWE (mm) colored by TWI potential as low potential (yellow), ROS (orange), ROS + melt/drainage (red), and warm day melt (purple). The second subpanel shows the snowpack density (%) with corresponding TWI potential thresholds with representative colors. The third subpanel shows observed (gray) and 6-h maximum (black) air temperatures (°C) with corresponding thresholds and the fourth panel shows 1-h (filled gray) and 6-h (filled black) precipitations totals (mm) with the 6-h precipitation corresponding TWI potential thresholds. The fifth subpanel shows volumetric water content (%) from the soil moisture sensors at 5 cm (light blue), 20 cm (medium blue), and 50 cm (dark blue) depths. The sixth subpanel shows streamflow (m3s−1) at two US Geological Survey gages: North Fork of the American River at North Fork Dam (black) and Truckee River at Reno (gray).