Table 3.
Step-by-Step Guide to Performing In-Office ATFL Repair With Suture Tape Augmentation
Step 1: Position the patient supine on an examination table to make the operative ankle easily accessible. |
Step 2: Use a chlorhexidine gluconate/isopropyl alcohol sponge-stick to sterilely prepare the ankle and drape the ankle to create a sterile field along the distal half of the examination table. |
Step 3: Inject local anesthesia superficially into the anticipated portals. |
Step 4: Establish portals with a superficial stab incision followed by blunt dissection Insert the scope into the anteromedial portal initially. Insert shaver into anterolateral portal. |
Step 5: Resect part of the AITFL to identify the anatomic foot print of the ATFL on the fibula. |
Step 6: Elevate the attachment of the ATFL ligament off of the distal fibula and shave down to bone. |
Step 7: Make third portal 1 cm anterior to the tip of the fibula. |
Step 8: Insert wire into the fibula and laser line into talus. Introduce FiberTape suture and overdrill with cannulated 3.5 drill to secure into talus. |
Step 9: Overdrill fibula with 3.5 drill through anterolateral portal. |
Step 10: Pass suture from third portal to the anterolateral portal. |
Step 11: Advance swivel lock anchor while maintaining tensions in suture. |
Step 12: Check suture tension using a probe before final seating. |
Step 13: Ask the patient to actively range their ankle to assess ligament tension. |
Step 14: Perform wound closure with Steri-Strips and apply soft dressing or splint as indicated. |
ATFL, anterior talofibular ligament.