1. Gender |
2. Age |
18–24 years old
25–34 years old
35–44 years old
45–54 years old
55–64 years old
65–74 years old
74+ years old
3. Post-code |
4. Please rate any barriers to using telehealth relevant to you |
Familiarity with technology
Internet connection
Availability of technology or equipment
Preference for face-to-face
5. Please compare telehealth to a face-to-face appointment, is it: |
6. Would you choose telehealth again? |
7. Please describe any benefits that you experienced using telehealth |
8. If you had to attend Chris O’Brien Lifehouse in person, how would you have gotten here? |
9. If you had to attend Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, would you have brought someone to your appointment? |
10. If you had to attend Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, would you have required to stay in accommodation near the hospital? |
11. If you had to attend Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, would you have had to miss a day of work? |