for resolving isotopologues with high-resolution native
MS. (A) Adduct ions affect the mass resolving power. Baseline isotope
mass resolution does not permit bare, sodium-bound, and ammonium-bound
ions of a 150 kDa averagine protein to be distinguished using native
ESI-MS. According to the empirical charging behavior of globular proteins
in native MS, 26+ is the most abundant charge state for a molecular
weight of 150 kDa. Therefore, the peaks of 26-fold-charged cations
of a 150 kDa averagine protein (1350 averagine residues) were generated
with MassLynx ver. 4.1, assuming baseline isotope mass resolution
(R = 500 000). The isotope distributions of
unmodified (green), ammonium-bound (orange), and sodium-bound (red)
protein ions were simulated individually and subsequently summed to
produce their combined mass spectrum (black). (B) Experimental peaks
of globular protein complexes are substantially broader than simulated
peaks of their molecular ions. The apparent mass resolution depends
on the preset instrumental resolution and the efficiency of adduct
removal. Shown are mass spectra of a GroEL ion with a charge of 71+.
These were measured on Orbitrap Exactive Plus (blue) and a QToF (cyan)
instruments, both operating at an instrument mass resolution of 5000,
or simulated with MassLynx ver. 4.1 at mass resolutions of 5000 (red),
10 000 (orange), 20 000 (yellow), and 40 000
(green). The black curve represents the natural isotope envelope of
GroEL. Numbers in parentheses correspond to the apparent mass resolutions Rnat determined by measuring the experimental
peak widths. Reproduced from ref (32). Copyright 2014 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.