Theme | Exemplar quote |
Improved confidence (18) | It’s a lot higher now. I know that I can do it. And it’s definitely not as hard or intimidating as I thought it would be. |
Same confidence as before (3) | I think this just reiterated I know I can do it. I just have to set my mind to it, I guess. |
Confident, but I need more practice (3) | If I had new research, I would really have to practice what I was going to say over and over again, or I would be super nervous again. |
Confident if I shared exact same project again (2) | …you know, we never really practiced like, just [partner] and I, you know, presenting to people and to do stuff like that. I feel like we would be… we would do better a second time around or third time around. The first time you do something, it’s always rough. I feel like if we had a couple more chances to present it, I think our confidence would go up, our understanding of the material would go up. |
Authors added emphasis to exemplar quotes using italics to showcase the main idea in the quote.