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. 2022 Apr 6;23(1):e00262-21. doi: 10.1128/jmbe.00262-21


Negative perceptions of presenting virtuallya

Theme Subtheme Exemplar quote
Murky communication channel (9) Communication and presentation issues (7) It was just kind of hard to gauge. You know, for the two presenters, it was hard to gauge when one was ending, and the other was starting. And, you know, just not being able to point to things because I’m a very, like when I’m presenting, I like to point and I like to kind of move my hands to move the focus of the room, I guess. And so, as we presented on Zoom, you don’t really have a way to do that. So, you have to keep all your communications really verbal, which kind of takes away from part of my presentations for me.
In-person preference (2) I kind of just like interacting with people in person more. I feel like we get the point across a little better.
Distractions (3) Self-conscious from seeing yourself (2) I thought, “Oh, it’ll be easier because it’s over Zoom.” but really, it’s not because you can go back and watch it if you want to. And you can see yourself speaking, which is nerve-wracking, because I’m like, “Do I really look that stupid? Do I really sound like that?” I just, I don’t want any record of it when I’m done. I just wanted it to be over.
Outside distractions (1) And at one point, my dad walked in when [faculty] was asking my question, and I couldn’t hear her. And I was like, “I’m just gonna answer the question I think you asked.” And so, that was really difficult. It’s just like, based on just normal zoom problems, I guess.

Authors added emphasis to exemplar quotes using italics to showcase the main idea in the quote.